In retrospect, the Batman: The Animated Series incorporated an orchestra for its music, some episodes seem like an Alfred Hitchcock movie with the suspenseful music, and the show harkens back to film noir detective stories/movies. It also used animation that was influenced by the Max Fleischer cartoons from the early 40s.
Paul Dini, Eric Radomski, and Bruce Timm had much to do with the success of the show.
One of the episodes appeared to be a tip of the hat to a Paul Newman chain gang movie, and another episode seemed to take its structure from Rashomon by Kurosawa.
Batman: The Animated Series is featured in the 2017 Comic-Con Souvenir book this year.
Paul Dini, Eric Radomski, and Bruce Timm had much to do with the success of the show.
One of the episodes appeared to be a tip of the hat to a Paul Newman chain gang movie, and another episode seemed to take its structure from Rashomon by Kurosawa.
Batman: The Animated Series is featured in the 2017 Comic-Con Souvenir book this year.
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