Mark Hamill mentioned how he asked to change a line and
George Lucas would say “no.” Harrison Ford told him to just do it (make the
dialogue change) during filming.
Mark also mentioned that he wanted to skip ahead of Harrison
during the final scene of the first Star Wars, at the end when they are about
to receive their medals—but Harrison noticed and Mark did not end up doing that.
Outside of a movie theater in California, Carrie Fischer
asked Mark to ask the movie manager if they could watch the trailer for the
star wars movie—the first one--just the trailer. They saw that horrible trailer prior to the John Williams' score.
Hamill burst a blood vessel when the compactor snake dragged
him down in the first movie. He decided he wanted it to be more realistic. Lucas was not happy.
C3PO was in all of the Star Wars movies.
Chewbacca and C3PO played by mimes.
George got the idea for Chewbacca from his dog Indiana, when
his dog would sit next to him in his car.
Lando wanted a cape. He said Calrissian is an Armenian name.
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