
When Jack Kirby drew Conan the Barbarian

When John Buscema teamed up with Boris Vallejo on a cover for Conan

Happy Birthday Kieth Richards, Steven Spielberg, Brad Pitt, Casper Van Dien, Sia, Katie Holmes, and more

Pinocchio by Guillermo del Toro is a winner, good for the whole family

Need a ticket for Comic-Con, can't seem to get in?

Two of the best writers of Comics: Alan Moore and Hugo Pratt--read their work

Everyday is a Jack Kirby Day

Happy Birthday Rita Moreno

Muhammed Ali fought them all (The Beatles, Superman, a Football player)

Happy Birthday Noam Chomsky

Jack Kirby had a special way with perspective

Support WonderCon and SD Comic-Con SDCCI

Today is Latina Equal Pay day!

The Sacramento Zoo is too small and will move to Elk Grove

Tribute for Kim Jung Gi by Dr. Emilio Soltero

The time Muhammed Ali fought (vs) a wrestler

New art Book by Dr. Soltero

Thank you to the young voters

Wakanda Forever is great for the entire family!

The actor of the Iconic voice of Batman has died, Kevin Conroy

Mike Mignola, and Hellboy, remind you to VOTE!!!!!

Happy Birthday Sally Fields...Was Sally on a cover of a comic book?

Zoe Saldana has a Hit with From Scratch